' Hailing from Korea, Bolivia, and Libya, these families have stories that illustrate common immigrant themes: friction between minorities, economic competition and entrepreneurship, and racial and cultural stereotyping.
A Nation of Nations
Several other individuals not already noted warrant special mention: Jorge CañizaresEsquerra, Arif Dirlik, Florencia Mallon, Steve J. Stern, Colleen Dunlavy, Susan SleeperSmith, Selçuk Esenbel, Jeffrey Herf, and the seventy foreign and ...
Weeks , John Quincy Adams and American Global Empire , p . 47 . 139. See his speech in the Senate “ Continental Rights and Relations ” ( 1853 ) , in William H. Seward , The Works of William H. Seward , 5 vols .
But in this thought-provoking collection, twenty-eight writers and scholars give engaging, often passionate accounts of their own nation’s history.
A groundbreaking study of the foundations of nationalism, exposing its antiquity, strong links with ethnicity and roots in human nature.
Nation of Nations: Study Guide with Map Exercises
• A New Republic Best Book of the Year • The Globalist Top Books of the Year • Winner of the Maine Literary Award for Non-fiction • Particularly relevant in understanding who voted for who in this presidential election year, this is ...
In The Size of Nations, they argue that the optimal size of a country is determined by a cost-benefit trade-off between the benefits of size and the costs of heterogeneity.
Anyone wishing to understand this poor, populous, but ambitious young nation will find this book an invaluable reference.