The great American naturalist John James Audubon is best known for his beautiful drawings of birds, collected in The Birds of America (1827-1838). The five-volume Ornithological Biography, a companion to the collection of drawings, was published in 1831 and includes this essay on the Passenger Pigeon, also known as the Wild Pigeon. In it, Audubon describes the bird's remarkable power of flight, power of vision, and hard-to-believe abundance. As he writes of a flock numbering more than one billion birds, a flock so large it darkens the noonday sky, Audubon says, "The multitudes of Wild Pigeons in our woods are astonishing. Indeed, after having viewed them so often, and under so many circumstances, I even now feel inclined to pause, and assure myself that what I am going to relate is fact." Most astonishing of all is the fact that the Passenger Pigeon became extinct in the wild by 1900. The last known individual was a female named Martha, who died in the Cincinnati Zoo in 1914. This short work is part of Applewood's "American Roots" series, tactile mementoes of American passions by some of America's most famous writers and thinkers.
One estimate claimed that over seven hundred thousand birds were taken: 1,781 barrels, 1,928 coops of live pigeons, and 2,000 dozen kept for feeding and later slaughter.25 Edward T. Martin, a major game dealer from Chicago, ...
This nature novel, by following the hatching and lifetime experiences of the last know wild passenger pigeon, chronicles the life, natural history, and ultimate extinction of this species which was once the most abundant bird species in ...
DRK Photo : ( Don & Pat Valenti ) 5 , 17 , 20 , 29 , 33 ; ( Stephen J. Krasemann ) 15 , 32 Photo Researchers , Inc .: ( Tom McHugh ) 8 ; ( National Audubon Society ) 19 , 25 The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia : ( Steven ...
This book tells the tale of the Passenger Pigeon, and of Martha, and of author Mark Avery's journey in search of them.
Astro the Alien and his friends Ben and Eva are at an outdoor party celebrating Earth Day when a flock of common rock pigeons land.
Seventeen-year-old Frances Finkel works as a mechanic in her father's maintenance shop at Seal Rock Airport, Oregon.
Published in 1955 by the University of Oklahoma Press, this is the classic study of the extinction of the passenger pigeon. The passenger pigeon, once probably the most numerous bird...
This special reprint edition of John C. French's book "The Passenger Pigeon in Pennsylvania: The Remarkable History, Habits and Extinction of the Passenger Pigeon" contains some rare and fascinating information on the extinct, enigmatic ...
They decide to save Martha. Little do they know that Martha may one day, in her small way, save humanity.
This is a story of a scarcely credible abundance, of flocks of birds so vast they made the sky invisible.