Check out preview content for Essentials of Economics here. Essentials of Economics brings the same captivating writing and innovative features of Krugman/Wells to the one-term economics course. Adapted by Kathryn Graddy, it is the ideal text for teaching basic economic principles, with enough real-world applications to help students see the applicability, but not so much detail as to overwhelm them. Watch a video interview of Paul Krugman here.
OUTSTANDING ECONOMIST Allen Kneese (1930– ] Currently a senior fellow at Resources for the Future (RFF) and adjunct professor of economics at the University of New Mexico, Kneese is a leading authority on environmental economics.
Because Mankiw wrote it for the students, the book stands out among all other texts by intriguing students to apply an economic way of thinking in their daily lives.
The 9th edition is benefitted by SmartBook, the first adaptive reading experience designed to engage students with the content in an active and dynamic way, as opposed to the passive and linear reading experience they are used to.
Essentials of Economics
Designed specifically for the one-semester introductory economics course for non-majors, Tucker's ESSENTIALS OF ECONOMICS, 6e International Edition, focuses on the most basic tools and topics in economics in the context of real-world issues ...
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The text material is again fully integrated into Aplia, the best-selling online homework solution. I have tried to put myself in the position of someone seeing economics for the first time.
Redeem your access code included with this textbook to gain access to an unrivalled online study and testing resource, providing you with personalised practice exactly where you need it most. See inside the book for more details
Essentials of Economics