"Describes the lives of Viking warriors. The readers' choices reveal the historical details of raiding the Lindisfarne monastery, invading England, and fighting at the Battle of Stamford Bridge"--Provided by publisher.
Everyday Life in the Viking Age
REFERENCE WORKS Graham - Campbell , James . Viking Artefacts : A Select Catalogue . London : British Museum Publications , 1980 . Pulsiano , Phillip , and Kirsten Wolf with Paul Acker and Donald K. Fry , eds .
For possible sacrifice in Danish graves, see Ramskou 1965. For the Gerdrup grave, see Christensen 1982. The Isle of Man graves are discussed in Bersu and Wilson 1966; see also Graham-Campbell 1980c, no.
Though infamous for their pirating and raiding, active Vikings were actually only a tiny fraction of the total Scandinavian population during the so-called Viking Age.
SONG and DANCE Pastimes Music , dancing , and singing featured strongly ikings liked to work hard , fight hard , in Viking entertainment . Even in ordinary and play hard . When the day's work households folk V was done ( be it toiling ...
The thirteen chapters in this book bring together the current state of knowledge about Viking-Age towns (c. 800–1100) from both sides of the Irish Sea, focusing on everyday life in and around these emerging settlements.
William W. Fitzhugh and Elisabeth I. Ward, eds., Vikings: The North Atlantic Saga (Washington: Smithsonian Institution, 2000), p. 216. 28. Einar Ól. Sveinsson and Matthías Pórðarson, ed. Groenlendinga saga, Islenzk fornrit v.
"Find out about everyday life in Viking times in this fact-packed book that combines photographs of actual objects with full-color illustrations and fascinating text."--Page 4 of cover.
Describes what life was like for Vikings, including those that were aboard ships whose purpose was war, trade, or exploration.
Explores everyday life of the Vikings.