Most books about screenplays instruct on three-act structure, character arcs, and how to format a script. But you already know all that. Secrets of Film Writing reveals a working writer's secrets-the tips, short cuts, tricks, and insider advice that will get your story down on paper, maximize your idea, and seduce your readers. Do you know why actors pick scripts out of a stack? Why montage sequences don't work? Why the traditional three-act structure is obsolete? Lazarus lifts the veil with dozens of secrets like these. Lazarus's insights and techniques will smooth and improve any screenwriter's process and will make any script more readable and ultimately more salable. Secrets of Film Writing takes you behind the scenes of feature and television writing and demystifies, once and for all, the Hollywood System.
The Secrets of Action Screenwriting
"Éoffers a unique culinary glimpse into how films really get made, sold, and released on a global scale from a veteran screenwriter who knows the secret to a successful film career is in the ingredients, not the meal.
You are not alone. Stop searching the internet for answers without taking action. Get ready for some great ideas to organize, develop, and write your next screenplay! This is a must-read book. -back cover
Tom Lazarus--author of "Stigmata", among other scripts--is a working screenwriter and professor at UCLA extension. In this book, he's distilled his own experience and that of other screenwriters into a system.
In her new book, Linda Cowgill articulates the concepts of successful screenplay structure in a clear language, based on the study of great films from the thirties to present day....
HOWARD NICHOLS , 35 , is at her side , offering a pill and an orange soda . Howard is a soothing , charming WASP . They stand in the dead center of the bedroom serving as a practical set with attending 16 mm camera , boom microphone ...
Hollywood Film Professor Bradley demonstrates authenticity to help writers become better storytellers so they can truly love what they do. You’ll want to add this book to your collection.
"Road tested" for sixteen years by NYU student filmmakers, this engaging book shows any writer how to get started, stay with it, and deliver a professional script. Book jacket.
This expert screenwriting guide shows how Aristotle’s timeless principles apply to today’s cinematic storytelling.
So she knows a thing or two about how not to make a short film. From the first draft of your script to casting, production, editing, and distribution, this is your one-stop primer for breaking into the business.