"Dermont's short story collection, which follows her debut novel (The Starboard Sea, 2012), demonstrates the author's versatility and sardonic humor...Dermont delivers strong prose and intriguing characters who frequently defy stereotypical ideals...the overall effect is a tight collection that takes the reader in unexpected, often disconcerting, directions. Full of irony and contradictions, this compilation of contemporary short stories is a worthwhile effort."–Kirkus Reviews A luminous collection of short stories focusing on privilege and entitlement, from the bestselling author of The Starboard Sea Damage Control displays Amber Dermont's remarkable gift for portraying characters at crossroads. In "Lyndon," a daughter visits presidential landmarks following the death of her father. In "Damage Control," a young man works at an etiquette school while his girlfriend is indicted for embezzlement. A widow rents herself to elderly women and vacations with them as a "professional grandchild" in "Stella at the Winter Palace." And in "The Language of Martyrs" a couple houses a mail order bride on behalf of the husband's Russian mother. Dermont's stories have previously been published in many literary magazines and have also been featured in anthologies edited by Jane Smiley and Dave Eggers. Damage Control includes three previously unpublished pieces.
"Robert Dugoni follows up Jury master with another scintillating novel about murder and intrigue"--Provided by the publisher.
Or, as Mr. Shapiro puts it: “In domestic disputes, everyone has their own version of events, there are usually no witnesses and, to be fair to the police, it can be hard to sort out what really happened." You could get hauled off anyway ...
Presents a collection of short stories that features characters at crossroads, from a man who teaches etiquette throughout his girlfriend's indictment, to a widow who rents herself out as a "professional grandchild" to elderly women.
This new revised edition includes an additional chapter "Our Permanent Leakocracy" including information about WikiLeaks and what that notorious case means for business.
Struggling in her competitive public relations firm, Maggie Silver is assigned to the toughest client of her career in a California senator, the father of her former best friend, during an effort to prevent a scandal surrounding the murder ...
The foolproof guide to damage control from the "masters of disaster" Whether you're a politician caught with his pants down, a publicly traded company accused of accounting improprieties, a family-owned restaurant with a lousy Yelp review ...
Arizona sheriff Joanna Brady confronts two complex cases in this dazzling novel of suspense from New York Times bestselling author J. A. Jance Back at home, Sheriff Joanna Brady has a newborn, a teenage daughter, a writer husband, and a ...
This book provides a comprehensive overview of damage control resuscitation (DCR), an evidence-based approach to the resuscitation of patients with severe life-threatening hemorrhage (LTH).
Galactus ate your apartment building? Call Damage Control. The S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier crashed on your car? Call Damage Control. Aliens destroyed Manhattan...again? Call Damage Control!
When a C-119 cargo plane crashes behind enemy lines in mountainous terrain, the American survivors are stranded with no chance of rescue.