Film production veteran Tom Reilly has worked on the sets of critically praised films and commercial blockbusters for more than three decades?including seventeen years alongside director Woody Allen. In The Big Picture, he explores the art and the craft of filmmaking from the vantage point of someone actually running the movie set. Using examples unlike any of those in other books on film, Reilly exposes not only the power and the personalities, but the secrets of the pros. He shares the insights he gleaned while working with more than sixty Oscar-winning professionals?from Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, and Vanessa Redgrave to Sydney Pollack, Sven Nykvist, and Barbra Streisand. In these fifty entertaining, illuminating short essays, Reilly invites you to join him on the film set. What is it like to shoot a love scene? How do you do a full body burn? What is it like to film in the Everglades or in a morgue? What is blocking or matching, and how long should a script be? How do you decide when to build a set? Why is the color palette so critical? Is night shooting worth the suffering? The Big Picture delivers the surprising answers to these and other fascinating questions about what it takes to make a feature film, offering a glimpse into what it's like when the lights are bright, the camera is rolling, and the moviemakers are calling the shots.
The Big Picture is an unprecedented scientific worldview, a tour de force that will sit on shelves alongside the works of Stephen Hawking, Carl Sagan, Daniel Dennett, and E. O. Wilson for years to come.
A chronicle of the massive transformation in Hollywood since the turn of the century and the huge changes yet to come, drawing on interviews with key players, as well as documents from the 2014 Sony hack
In The Big Picture, Dr. Carson sheds light on this life-changing philosophy, giving you the tools and encouragement you need to: View hardship as an advantage Determine what really matters See your life from a new perspective The Big ...
Walter Murch, a highly respected Hollywood editor who has worked with George Lucas and Francis Ford Coppola and won multiple Academy Awards, became fascinated by the film and offered his services at well below his usual fee.
If you are interested in Hollywood today and the complex and fascinating way it has evolved in order to survive, you haven't seen the big picture until you've read "The Big Picture. "From the Hardcover edition.
Advocates that employees should focus their attention on what the author defines as the key drivers of cash, profit, assets, growth, and people to evaluate the viability of their organization and their prospects for advancement.
While similar artists—both in the show and not— brought together unusual materials, Harrison was able to bring them together into a unique kind of cohesiveness so that her final work brilliantly teetered between coherence and absurdity, ...
The Path to Purpose. New York: Free Press, 2008. Dik, Bryan J., and Ryan D. Duffy. Make Your Job a Calling. West Conshohocken, PA: Templeton Press, 2012. Dunn, Elizabeth, and Michael Norton. “How Money Actually Buys Happiness.
A spirited personal account of a father and daughter's quest for answers to some of the universe's biggest questions, written by a consultant for New Scientist magazine and the founder of the CultureLab blog, starts with the author's ...
The Big Picture is a gospel-centered book for teenagers and young adults that tells the story of the God who has always been with man and, through his Son and Spirit, always will.