The return of a classic!
A Happy Marriage is both intimate and expansive: It is the story of Enrique Sabas and his wife, Margaret, a novel that alternates between the romantic misadventures of the first weeks of their courtship and the final months of Margaret's ...
Based on Mark Gungor's wildly popular seminar, Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage® builds on Gungor's success with tens of thousands of couples who credit him with enriching, and even saving, their marriages.
There is hope for a better marriage, and you will get through this one step, one day, and one victory at a time.So, get a hot cup of coffee or tea, come sit down across the table from us, and let us tell you our story.Kendall and Starla ...
In the end, she’s left wondering not only whether her own marriage can be saved, but what it means to have a good marriage in the first place.
In this counter intuitive book, author Dr. Greg Smalley maintains that fighting is actually good for a marriage.
Rick Johnson shows couples how to go beyond merely tolerating each other's differences to using those God-given differences to add spice and passion to their relationship.
10 Weeks to a Better Marriage
This Is the Story of a Happy Marriage is an irresistible blend of literature and memoir revealing the big experiences and little moments that shaped Ann Patchett as a daughter, wife, friend and writer.
Offers practical suggestions for how to enhance a marriage, explains behaviors that can break up a marriage, and argues that talking about a relationship will not bring partners closer together.