Issues in Bioethics and the Concept of Scale arose from the author's deep and committed interest in ecology, moral philosophy, and medicine, and how they are interrelated. William A. Cook expands on the recognition that spatial and temporal scale characteristics are factors in the understanding and modeling of ecological systems and in decision-making around ecological and environmental issues, and introduces this dynamic to the field of bioethics. The concept of scale, from hierarchy theory as it is used in ecology to deal with the complexity and interrelationships of systems, is explored and identified as a factor and potential source of conflict in the field of bioethics. This notion of scale is conceptually useful for considering the complexity of some bioethical issues.
... Rhoda E. Howard , from “ Human Rights and the Necessity for Cultural Change , " Focus on Law Studies 336 NO : Vinay Lal , from " The Imperialism of Human Rights , ” Focus on Law Studies 340 Rhoda E. Howard , a Canadian sociologist ...
The proposal to establish what Chief Justice Richard J. Hughes called a hospital “ Ethics Committee ” gave a major impetus to a new Robert M. Veatch . “ Hospital Ethics Committees : Is There A Role ? ” Abridged from The Hasting Center ...
IBM, 306, 332 Bravery, 426 Braybrooke, David, 380 Breast implants, 204-06, 211, 221-22 Brennan, Troyen, 334, 381 Brett, Allan S., 218 Brewin, Thurstan B., 328 Briguglio, John, 108 Brock, Dan, 24, 53, 76, 106-7, 161-62, 164, 224, ...
... that the decision of Dr Todd can be rationally and responsibly supported ... whatever may have been his alternatives. ... in Walker-Smith v GMC146 the court recognised that the line between innovative treatment and experimental ...
Emanual (oncology and medical ethics, Harvard) rejects the argument that recent issues of medical ethics are the result of new technologies, and contends that they are an inevitable consequence of liberal political values.
menopause, creating the opportunity for safe, effective relief and treatment for women (Pearson, 2002; Mishra et al., 2010). There are myriad products on the market that claim to relieve the distressing symptoms of menopause.
New Scholasticism 54 (1980): 200–12; Gilbert Meilaender, “The Distinction between Killing and Allowing to Die,” Theological Studies 37 (1976): 467–70; Raanan Gillon, “Euthanasia, Withholding Life-Prolonging Treatment, ...
The Patient Self - Determination Act David B. Clarke 1. The federal Patient Self - Determination Act ( PSDA ) became effective on December 1 , 1991more than 15 years after California became the first state to pass its Natural Death Act ...
Translated by Joseph Ward Swain . London : George Allen & Unwin , 1950. New York : Free Press , 1965. Classic monograph purporting to show origins of religious systems reflected in those of Australian Aborigines .
Their book offers a coherent, wide-ranging and practical account of the role of consent in biomedicine which will be valuable to readers working in a range of areas in bioethics, medicine and law."--Jacket.