The <I>Arts-Based Research Primer explores the arts-based research paradigm and its potential to intersect with and augment traditional social science and educational research methods. The arts-based research (ABR) paradigm may be broadly understood as a flexible architecture of practice-based theory-building methodologies. This text aims to reveal how arts-based ways of knowing and doing lend themselves to <I>blended spaces of naturalistic inquiry, and is intended to aid artists and scientists alike in their research and professional practices.<BR> This text also highlights the utility of arts-based research concepts toward building innovative curriculum-making strategies for educational practice both within and beyond the classroom setting. Accessible examples of analytic, synthetic, critical-activist, and improvisational arts-based research methodologies and their outcomes were solicited from a wide range of researchers in varying disciplines, including senior faculty and emerging graduate level scholars. Chapters include a paradigm analysis of the characteristics of arts-based research; brief historical overviews along with a review of recent ABR literature; charts, diagrams and photographs representing ABR approaches for addressing diverse kinds of questions; suggestions for using an ABR inquiry model when writing a research paper; and detailed glossaries of key concepts and terms.
His offer was accepted , and the London Philharmonic Society ceased to be a cooperative orchestra . It is at this point , however , that differences between the New York and London situations became apparent . In 1918 , the London ...
Bryan Appleyard is the author of "The Culture Club: Crisis in the Arts" and "Richard Rogers: a Biography".
Extremity and Excess: Proceedings of the 2011 University of Salford College of Arts and Social Sciences Postgraduate Research Conference
The literature review is the first phase of research for the Communities of Practice Collaborative Learning project with Landcom, the University of Newcastle, Macquarie University, the University of New South Wales and City People and is ...
Among the works that have survived revolution and exile are those of Esteban Salas, a Baroque composer active in the late eighteenth century who gained esteem beyond the island's borders. The same is true of Robredo Manuel (1817–1870), ...
Corrigan, P. (1983) 'Film entertainment as ideology and pleasure', in J.Curran and V.Porter (eds) The British Film Industry, London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson. Cubitt, S. (1985) 'The politics of the living room', in L.Masterman (ed.) ...
In iristallation by Lee Bul called .-'l-f_ '> the last room of the show called Gr"o.~'"i:tttt'ot.=.' Store. Spt'crrr!'or'. Lee's installation eonsistetl of fish r"l-i'i.\1-'r"_i'. I-"l'ot't-'m.'t-'. lltere was a elotheslint: \-vi1l| ...
Professor Richard H. Cox has pointed out that Bottom's account of his dream is a parody of 1 Corinthians 2.9, one of the New Testament's most important treatments of the tension between philosophy and revelation.
The ocean liner historian John Maxtone - Graham later wrote of the Ile de France as the original whoopee ship ... The Spread of ' Ocean Liner Style ' The kind of glossy , streamlined design found aboard the Ile de France quickly became ...
A critique and excavation of sexual confession as the key ritual of twenty-first-century moving image culture, from the banal to the forbidden.