In Contemporary times, the fundamental nature of literacy remains unchanged; it is for this reason that the lessons of 1880 to 1930 are still quite relevant.
The earliest landmark decision on Bible reading was a Maine case , Donahue v . Richards in 1854. The school board of Ellsworth had expelled a fifteen - year - old girl , Bridget Donahue , for refusing to read from the King James version ...
Madson , Robert , 332 Maestas , Ernest , 308 Maggiotto , John , 288 Magiera , Stan , 57 Magill , M. Kenneth ... Arnold , 130 Mathis , Barbara H. , 316 Mathis , Evelyn S. , 232 Mathis , Robyn , 239 Matson , Albin , 223 Matthew , Charles ...
Educational Change and Local Government: The Impact of the Education Reform Act
Legitimacy in Education Policy Making: Hong Kong Case Study
Law and Education analyzes the legal and related policy developments of recent years.
Defining and Collecting Metrics on the Quality of School Governance: A Feasibility Study
Based on a long-term qualitative study of four 'ordinary' secondary schools, and working on the interface of theory with data, this book explores how schools enact, rather than implement, policy.
Strategic Choice: Corporate Strategies for Change in Higher Education
Denne antologien handler om forholdet mellom samfunn og barneoppdragelse.
14 There is considerable doubt as to when exactly Newman resigned his position , see McGrath , Newman's University , pp . 469-489 . History records that his major contribution in Dublin was the expression of his celebrated views on the ...