This updated edition by one of the world's leading apologists presents a systematic, positive case for Christianity that reflects the latest work in the contemporary hard sciences and humanities. Brilliant and accessible.
As in many of his other writings this volume blends themes from Aquinas with insights drawn from analytical philosophy and further establishes John Haldane as the leading 'analytical thomist'.
Scholars in the aforementioned fields then respond to the debate, representing both theistic and atheistic positions. The book concludes with rejoinders from Craig and Rosenberg.
Whether you are investigating Christianity for the first time or whether youre a Christian whos wondering how to respond to objections skeptical friends raise, this book gives helpful guidance.
Answers to Tough Questions on God, Christianity, and the Bible William Lane Craig, Joe Gorra ... So every day except Sunday, after my devotional time of prayer and Bible reading, I exercise for around an hour each morning.
In a day when even the concept of truth is questioned, Corduan gives reasons for the truth of historic Christian faith and argues that being able to give reasons for one's faith is possible, desirable, and something laypersons can learn.
A Reasonable Faith
This concise guide is filled with illustrations, sidebars, and memorizable steps to help Christians stand their ground and defend their faith with reason and precision.
During a discussion about presidential rhetoric, I was comparing Ronald Reagan's patriotic appeals with Obama's attempt to transcend—parochialism.” Thomas, “The Perils of Punditry,” lines 13–15. 3. Gillette, “Primary Scream,” lines ...
"Can anything good come from Nazareth?
In this magisterial collection, the contemporary complaints against belief in God are addressed with intellectual passion and rigor by some of the most astute theological and philosophical minds of the day.