This small book, which can be read in about an hour, shows how God's grace is the foundational theme and primary message of all of Scripture. Part of the A Book You'll Actually Read series.
This struggle is not new; it has been going on since the beginning.” —Andy Stanley We find in the pages of Scripture that the stories found there often mirror our own stories, and that we too need the very thing we do not deserve: the ...
Rob Rufus argues that grace is the extra dimension that enables Christians to live like Christ, enabling them to tap into the realm of unlimited supernatural^resources and to experience unprecedented potential for growth.
With Gods Grace ... takes you into the lives of five women seeking the meaning of grace.
By the grace of God, I am here today to tell my story; a tribute to God to shout to the world how awesome he is and the determination I had to find my long lost sisters.
But for the Grace of God: An Exposition of the Canons of Dort
Many believers wonder in times of difficulty if God really and truly cares. If this is a question you ponder, be assured that His gaze toward you is one of kindness and love.
Weaving together Scripture, personal stories, and the words of the classic hymn “How Firm a Foundation,” David Powlison brings an experienced counselor’s touch to exploring how God enters into our sufferings, helping us see God ...
However, according to David Mathis, such “habits of grace” are the God-designed channels through which his glorious grace flows—making them life-giving practices for all Christians.
Paul: by the grace of God
It could be called a "handbook for Southerners." The entire South is reflected in this work, from Oklahoma to Virginia, from Texas to Florida. There is no other book like it on the market today.