American History volume 1 surveys the broad sweep of American history from the first Native American societies to the end of the Reconstruction period, following the Civil War. Drawing on a deep range of research and years of classroom teaching experience, Thomas S. Kidd offers students an engaging overview of the first half of American history. The volume features illuminating stories of people from well-known presidents and generals, to lesser-known men and women who struggled under slavery and other forms of oppression to make their place in American life. The role of Christianity in America is central in this book. Americans’ faith sometimes inspired awakenings and the search for an equitable society, but at other times it justified violence and inequality. Students will come away from American History volume 1 better prepared to grapple with the challenges presented by the history of America’s founding, the problem of slavery, and our nation’s political tradition.
This nineteenth of ANNUAL EDITIONS: AMERICAN HISTORY, VOLUME 1 provides convenient, inexpensive access to current articles selected from the best of the public press.
In the first of the three volumes of his projected comprehensive narrative history of the role of law in America from the colonial years through the twentieth century, G. Edward White takes up the central themes of American legal history ...
Designed for non-specialized survey courses, this text presents a fair sampling of articles that incorporate newer approaches to the study of history as well as more traditional ones.
It is also adaptable for younger and older students. The first volume covers Exploration through 1840.
All American History: The Explorers to the Jacksonians
Building on the book's hallmark strengths — balance, comprehensiveness, and explanatory power — as well as its outstanding visuals and extensive primary-source features, authors James Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, and Robert Self have ...
Give Me Liberty! is the #1 book in the U.S. history survey course because it works in the classroom.
American History volume 2 gives a wide overview of America’s history from the end of the Civil War era, to the political and cultural struggles of contemporary times.
This nineteenth of ANNUAL EDITIONS: AMERICAN HISTORY, VOLUME 1 provides convenient, inexpensive access to current articles selected from the best of the public press.
Did Hales elucidate any underlying economic reasons for enclosure? If so, what were Questions for Further Thought 1. What social ideals did Thomas More and John Hales hold in common? 2. Would Hales have found in More's Utopia a solution ...