Is your student ministry healthy? This is a question every student minister has asked. It’s a question that brings both anger and tears. You are growing in numbers, but something just didn’t feel right. It doesn't feel healthy. This is the “there must be more to student ministry than this” moment. Regardless of your ministry context, church size, denomination, or years of experience, it is possible for you to have a healthy student ministry. The three elements, explained by author Ben Trueblood, will lead you to that very thing. Student Ministry that Matters gives you and your leaders a framework to answer this question, "Is my student ministry healthy?" and help you highlight areas of improvement as you seek to lead a student ministry focused on health.
In this book, Ben points student ministry leaders to the hope found within this startling statistic. The solution is not a full-scale revamping of student ministry.
Why Teenagers Matter in the Life of the Church
In this book, Root weaves together an innovative first-person fictional narrative to diagnose the challenges facing the church today and to offer a new vision for youth ministry in the 21st century.
We just had a snowball fight in August!” Yes, we had a real snowball fight (not the newspaper kind). I found a shaved ice company that makes snowballs out of their shaved ice and ships them to your location. It was awesome!
"In this book of prodigious beauty and power, richer for each rereading, Leanne Hadley has once again proved her contention that children are spiritual beings bearing gifts of tremendous power and theological insight.
In this book, Ben and Brian provide a biblical and practical guide for how you can have a fun, joy-filled, and spiritually enriching college experience while avoiding the pitfalls that have captured so many before you.
Leading the Congregation. The pursuits of excellence and spirituality are woven into a beautiful and practical guide for faithful ministry. This volume belongs on the desk of every pastor and in the curriculum of every school of theology.
“If all I did for the next 10 years was pass along this book to hungry youth leaders, I would have a fruitful decade.” —Dave Rahn, Senior Vice President and Chief Ministry Officer for Youth For Christ “In this book, Rick calls us to ...
Friendship Matters: Inviting the Church to Engage the World Through International Student Ministry
They are looking for real answers to tough questions, and Sex Matters isn't afraid to tell them the unedited truth. Every teenager with an Internet connection or a phone in their pocket needs to read this book!