Applying to Graduate School in Psychology provides prospective graduate students with the insider knowledge needed to bolster their confidence and gain a competitive edge. This comprehensive resource shares personal accounts from both peer and expert perspectives to fully illustrate the ins and outs of applying and preparing for the graduate school experience. As future professionals in psychology, readers will greatly benefit from the straightforward and personal guidance offered by the student and psychologist contributors. Potential applicants learn the commonalities and differences among diverse student experiences from a variety of academic institutions and programs. This student-to-student format offers familiarity and identification with those who have successfully enrolled in graduate programs across the country. Each chapter presents practical advice, key information, and encouragement, while describing the dos and don'ts of applying. In the psychologist-written essays, renowned professionals share their academic and career development stories and provide meaningful insight into the rewards and challenges of the field. The contributors' infectious passion for psychology will inspire readers to further their education and narrow down their program of choice.
Mayne, T.J., Norcross, J.C., & Sayette, M.A. (1994). Admission requirements, acceptance rates, and financial assistance in clinical psychology programs. American Psychologist, 49, 806– 811. Minke, K.M.,& Brown,D.T.(1996).
... and development 1 1 0 0 life span development 1 2 community-based leadership participatory research 1 1 0 0 measurement 1 0 # Faculty 1 # Grants 0 Clinical anxiety disorders opportunities bullying depression Widener University (Psy.
"The best source of information for more than 1,500 graduate programs in psychology offered at over 500 schools and departments in the United States and Canada."--
Graduate Study in Psychology is the best source of information related to graduate programs in psychology and provides information related to more than 600 graduate programs in psychology in the...
I heard that you should choose a graduate school located in an area where you will want to spend the rest of your life, ... Yet it is an advantage in some places that too few students have apparently been willing to exercise.
This is the book that students rely on for finding the programs that meet their needs and maximizing their chances of getting in.
The ultimate handbook for those seeking advanced degrees, this step-by-step guide provides definitive "how to" information for successfully selecting and gaining admission into master's and doctoral programs. Reflecting the author's...
Getting In, Second Edition is an update of the American Psychological Association's essential resource for anyone considering graduate study in psychology. This handy, readable book simplifies the process for...
Aimed at college and university students in all major fields of study, this book covers everything one needs to know about how to apply successfully to graduate school in North America.
However, statistics can also come in handy when we design and evaluate the psychological tests that we use to collect ... Norm-Referenced Testing First, let's look at two ways that test results can be interpreted: norm-referenced and ...