Where does consciousness come from? For most scientists and laypeople, it is axiomatic that something in the substance of the brain - neurons, synapses and grey matter in just the right combination - create perception, self-awareness, and intentionality. Yet despite decades of neurological research, that ""something"" - the mechanism by which this process is said to occur - has remained frustratingly elusive. This is no accident, as the authors of this book argue, given that the evidence increasingly points to a startling fact: consciousness may not, in fact, reside in the brain at all. In this wide-ranging and deeply scientific book, Imants Baruss and Julia Mossbridge utilise findings from special relativity and quantum mechanics, modern and ancient philosophers, and paranormal psychology to build a rigorous, detailed investigation into the origins and nature of human consciousness. Along the way, they examine the scientific literature on concepts including mediumship, out-of-body and near-death experiences, telekinesis, ""apparent"" versus ""deep time,"" and mind-to-mind communication, and introduce eye-opening ideas about our shared reality. The result is a revelatory tour of the ""post-materialist"" world, and a roadmap for consciousness research in the twenty-first century.
Moravec predicts a near-future in which robots will not only attain human levels of intelligence, they will also first displace human workers and then completely supplant humanity.
Pattani proposes the concept of a transcendent mind and how it relates to emotion healing.
One must eventually face violence as to its transcendent nature. Violence is not something that is good or evil, as some would like to think. As all things, it has its time of purpose. Violence has to do with the posio-negative universe ...
In the writings of Plato and Aristotle, transcendent mind remains far above feelings and passions. Feminist thealogians have condemned this division, which has remained the basis of western philosophy. Speaking of Aristotle's Politics ...
Isit an attributeof a transcendent mind, the materialbrain, orboth concomitantly? Roger Penrose in Shadows ofthe Mindsuggests that consciousness merits being a subjectof scientificinquiry as to its nature, howit functions, ...
Sherlock asks Dr. Watson to be the jury and they begin the trial in the wife's sitting room. It seems the young woman had married an abusive older man and that her marriage was loveless. On a recent sea journey she fell in love with the ...
This book has nothing to do with meditation as you know it. We just didn’t have enough space on the front cover to call it The 6 Phase Multi-Faceted Psycho-Spiritual Transcendent Mind-Training Technique . . .
GG Nhet IS the IIIIIOII n the West, when we talk about our mind, we point to our head, considering the mind to be synonymous ... A variety of other words are used to indicate the enlightened mind, the transcendent mind, or transcendent.
In Super Mind, clinical psychiatrist and bestselling author Norman E. Rosenthal, M.D., shows how the incredibly simple daily practice of Transcendental Meditation (TM) can permanently improve your state of mind during the routine hours of ...
2. The Transcendent Attention Style: Most trained, successful athletes have been able to develop this extreme form of attention to perform at their peak. They manipulate their right brain, whose parietal lobe enables them to divide ...