"The questions of how and to what extent the sexes differ are long standing and controversial. In this authoritative classic, David C. Geary provides a comprehensive evaluation of these questions based on the principles of evolution, particularly sexual selection. Using an evolutionary framework, Geary describes how human sex differences are similar to those found in other species and how the expression of these differences is uniquely human. The principles of sexual selection such as female choice and male-male competition explain sex differences in parenting, mate choices, ways of competing for mates, social-political preferences, development, and brain and cognition. Far from being one-sided in the nature-versus-nurture debate, an evolutionary framework can easily incorporate the influence of experience and cultural context on the development and expression of sex differences. Thoroughly updated and expanded, this third edition includes a chapter on sex differences that emerge in modern contexts, such as differences in occupational choices and variation in sexual orientation, gender identity, and relationships. Scholars from a wide range of sciences have much to learn from this monumental volume"--
Psychologist Civin (Adelphi U., and private practice) finds that some people and relationships are indeed profoundly affected in both negative and positive ways, and he describes various scenarios and syndromes that develop among the ...
Bernstein, H. August 1, 1909. “Metchnikoff—'the Apostle of Optimism'—on the Science of Living.” New York Times, SM4. 6. ... Peters, M., et al. 2007. The effects of sex, sexual orientation, and digit ratio (2D:4D) on mental rotation ...
In this book, the Petzolds present God's design for the right relationship of the two complementary sexes as foundational and essential for all human understanding-and thriving.
Sex Itself offers a compelling argument for the importance of ongoing critical dialogue on how cultural conceptions of gender operate within the science of sex.
From behavior and cognition to metabolism and response to chemicals and infectious organisms, this book explores the health impact of sex (being male or female, according to reproductive organs and chromosomes) and gender (one's sense of ...
This timely work propels our understanding of African American men and women beyond the crossroads. Dr. Aldridge's insight and vision place Black male-female relationships in a liberating framework from which...
Applying data from over 150 tribal societies to scales developed to measure power and dominance, Sanday offers answers to basic questions regarding male and female power.
"In Gender Shock, Phyllis Burke explodes the many myths surrounding our rigid gender system of male and female by looking through three lenses of gender identity: behavior, appearance, and science....
This second edition updates and expands the first book-length examination of male and female linguistic differences. Its bibliography remains the most complete list on male/female linguistic behavior in print with...
The author the best-selling The Female Brain identifies gender differences in the brain, behavior, and hormones to reveal the fundamental characteristics of male realities, offering insight into such topics as the male problem-solving ...