Somewhere it has been written in stone that the customer is always right. Well we are here to spray paint over that holy tablet with our first book, "The Customer Is Always Wrong, An irreverent guide to restaurant etiquette." This new book is an endearing look into the inner workings of a restaurant from the owners point of view. The short stories of employees, salesmen, and customers will keep you laughing regardless of what line of work you are in. This book has been inspired by all the hardships we have faced and can now laugh at. I think anyone can relate to these stories for they reflect the nature of how we as people relate to each other, be it good or bad we are all in this relationship together. It is our hope that everyone could laugh along with us. The inspiration for this book came from years up to our necks in the service industry and always saying "we should write a book about this."
这是一本对餐桌上的诸多礼仪进行阐述与评论的书,与人类如何进餐以及为什么会形成这样的方式有关。玛格丽特·维萨在本书中枚举了从古代希腊人到现代雅皮士 ...
It is Prince's birthday weekend, and his family has surprised him with the best gift of all: tickets to a Broadway show and a fancy, grown-up dinner at the New York Hotel. Prince is over the moon, but quickly learns that there is a catch.