If you're like most parents, you have developed your own parenting strategy—sometimes it seems to work, and other times—based on the way your child behaves—you wonder if it's working at all. There are countless ways to try to get a child's attention and to effect change—but here's the truth—unless you deal with a child through his or her heart, you are not likely to see lasting change. In this breakthrough book, Dr. Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller, RN, BSN, reveal how you can learn to truly reach your child's heart to teach, train, and build a tremendous relationship. Parenting is Heart Work gives you the practical tools an easy-to-follow steps that will revolutionize how you: Turn Correction times into learning experiences. Equip your children to accept responsibility for their mistakes and meditate on the right things. Influence and adjust the values and beliefs your children hold. Maintain relationship with your children through love and emotional connectedness.
In this book you’ll learn how to: Identify character qualities to address problems Build internal motivation Transfer responsibility for change to the child Teach kids to be solvers instead of whiners Use creativity to teach your kids ...
You will finish this book with more hope, more understanding, and more grace--for both your child and yourself.
Dr. Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller offer a thorough program for establishing honor as a basis of family life — not just children honoring parents, but parents respecting children and children honoring each other.
The child is learning that he is the decision maker. The parent only suggests the options. This scenario is repeated in the experience of young children in clothing choices, schedule choices, free-time choices and so forth.
He also authored the books, "Somebody Should Have Told Us ; Modello: A Story of Hope for the Inner-City and Beyond; Prevention from the Inside-Out, Prevention: The Critical Need" and co-authored both the "Healthy Thinking, Feeling, Doing- ...
ANGELA THOMAS, in My Single Mom Life If you're “co-parenting alone,” build your support team, and fast. Start with your church and family and friends ... May your home be a haven overflowing with love, and your goodnight kisses be many!
In this controversial book, readers will gain much needed insight into childrearing while learning to trust the intuitive knowledge of their child, ultimately building a strong foundation that will strengthen the parent-child bond.
Using Your Head as Well as Your Heart to Raise School-Aged Children This 4th edition of Common Sense Parenting® offers parents of children ages 6-16 a menu of proven techniques to use while facing family challenges: a teen who’s defiant; ...
In this book, readers will learn to: • Respond thoughtfully to outbursts and tantrums. • Set age-appropriate limits and boundaries. • Prepare children to meet life’s challenges. • Ensure kids become strong boundary-setters. • ...
"Rarely do I ever find myself agreeing with everything I read in a book. But Parenting the Wholehearted Child is the book I wish I'd written. Jeannie has given parents a profound gift within its pages.