A long time favorite, BASIC CLINICAL LAB COMPETENCIES FOR RESPIRATORY CARE: AN INTEGRATED APPROACH, 5E, International Edition continues to bring classroom theory to life at the bedside. Known for its integration of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, this book emphasizes the importance of assessment of need, contraindications, hazards/complications, monitoring, and outcomes assessment in respiratory care. Concise, direct, and easy to understand, this fifth edition has been updated to reflect recent advances in the field in order to ensure that readers have the knowledge and skills needed to practice the art and the science of respiratory care.
呼吸照護手冊: 輕鬆掌握肺疾病生理數據及公式
Table 3-20 : The Apgar scoring system Sign 0 1 2 less than 100 bpm greater than Heart Rate absent 100 bpm Respiratory Effort gasping , irregular absent good Muscle Tone limp some flexion active motion IA1g ( 1 ) 77. C. The pumping of ...
Thoroughly revised by a new author and new contributors, this study guide is the perfect accompaniment to the seventh edition of Scanlan: EGAN'S FUNDAMENTALS OF RESPIRATORY CARE.
Infection Control and Equipment Processing in Respiratory Care
Egan's Fundamentals of Respiratory Care