Sir Francis Drake is a non-fiction book written by Julian Stafford Corbett and published in 1890. The book is a biography of Sir Francis Drake, an English explorer, navigator, and naval commander who is best known for circumnavigating the globe in the 16th century. The book covers Drake's life from his early years as a sailor to his rise as a prominent figure in the English navy. It explores his many voyages and adventures, including his circumnavigation of the globe, his battles against the Spanish Armada, and his role in the English colonization of the New World. Corbett uses a mixture of primary sources and historical accounts to paint a vivid picture of Drake's life and accomplishments. He also delves into the political and social climate of the time, providing context for Drake's actions and decisions.Overall, Sir Francis Drake is a comprehensive and engaging biography that offers a fascinating glimpse into the life of one of England's most celebrated explorers and naval commanders.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.
“下周我们再讨论这个问题,”她对我们说,“时间到了。”(治疗就是治疗,在两种语言中含义一样。) 等到下周,我妈被诊断出卵巢癌,所以我飞到迈阿密去陪她。造化弄人,小姑子也被诊断出严重的癌症——她才27岁。几周后,我回到巴黎。我和丈夫去找婚姻治疗师。
这样装饰还不够,还要在摇篮周帮绘上表示“耳聪目明”之类寓意的云卷图画,再刷上清油—— 简直是漂亮得不得了,是典型的工艺品。我和我姐姐以及姐姐的孩子们都睡过这样的摇篮,我们叫悠车,达斡尔语叫“达日德”,也不知再往后还会不会有了。现在的房子里哪有横梁啊?
打手矿是吉姆·卡尔金斯(Jim Calkins)发现的,吉姆·巴克(Jim Baker)则找到了特雷萨金矿。 ... 吉姆在她临终前一直安慰着她,然后埋葬了她,徒步走了十八英里,回到了波索(Poso),婴儿被他裹在粗斜纹棉布衬衫里,露着小脑袋小猫一样喵喵叫着, ...
爱因斯坦为核能开发奠定了理论基础,开创了现代科学技术应用新纪元,被公认为是继伽利略、牛顿以来最伟大的物理学家。1999年12月26日,爱因斯坦被美国《时代周刊》评选为“世 ...
Volume 1 of the Writings and Speeches of Edmund Burke presents Burke's early literary writings up to 1765, and before he became a key political figure.
The characteristic originality of things and creatures is in that continual retention of inherited excellences from one who becomes adult to the next, link after link. This can be said of a people, a man, or a horse.
The Essays of Virginia Woolf
Dickinson , H. T. British Radicalism and the French Revolution , 1789-1815 . Oxford : Blackwell , 1985 . Liberty and Property : Political Ideology in Eighteenth - Century Britain . New York : Holmes and Meier , 1977 .
Records the creative and intellectual development of Emerson as a man of letters through a collection of his writings