A comprehensive reference standard for the discipline, Canine and Feline Gastroenterology covers the biology, pathobiology, and diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal, pancreatic, and hepatobiliary systems. An international team of experts, including 85 authors from 17 different countries, led by Robert Washabau and Michael Day, covers everything from minor problems such as adverse food reactions to debilitating inflammatory, infectious, metabolic, and neoplastic diseases of the digestive system. This authoritative text utilizes an evidence-based approach to reflect the latest science and research, complemented by principles of problem solving, algorithms to improve clinical diagnoses, and extensive full-color illustrations. For generalists and specialists alike, this gastroenterology reference should be part of every serious practitioner's professional library. A comprehensive, 928-page reference standard covers the discipline of canine and feline gastroenterology. An international focus is provided by 85 authors from 17 different countries, including renowned experts in veterinary gastroenterology, internal medicine, pathology, clinical pathology, radiology, and infectious disease. Coverage of the entire breadth and depth of gastroenterology ranges from biology to pathobiology, as well as diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal, pancreatic, and hepatobiliary systems. Current information on GI microflora, immunology, cellular growth, and systems integration provides a foundation for treating clinical problems. Coverage of diseases in dogs and cats includes the oral cavity, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, colon, anorectum, liver and biliary tract, exocrine pancreas, peritoneum, and associated vasculature. A focus on patient management examines the full range of procedures and techniques essential to diagnosis and treatment from clinical signs and diagnosis to nutritional support and pharmacologic management of disease. Clear explanations of current diagnostic modalities include laboratory tests, molecular methods, diagnostic imaging, endoscopy, and histopathology, also showing how to interpret and utilize results. A strong clinical approach emphasizes need-to-know information for managing the common and not-so-common G.I. clinical problems of everyday practice. Full-color photographs and illustrations depict concepts, conditions, and procedures. An evidence-based medicine perspective reflects the latest research as well as the modern practice of veterinary medicine. Logical, coherent, and consistent internal organization makes this a reader-friendly edition. Problem-based algorithms help in diagnosing every G.I. clinical problem from A to Z. A stand-alone section on the pharmacologic approach to G.I. disease offers quick and easy drug reference.
A comprehensive, 928-page reference standard covers the discipline of canine and feline gastroenterology.An international focus is provided by 85 authors from 17 different countries, including renowned experts in veterinary gastroenterology ...
BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Gastroenterology
The aim of this book is to focus on problems unique to the feline alimentary tract in comparison to dogs and to discuss them in detail, but also to highlight...
This issue of Veterinary Clinics: Small Animal Practice, guest edited by Dr. Frédéric P. Gaschen, focuses on Advances in Gastroenterology.
Dieses englischsprachige Buch ist ein Standardwerk zur Gastroenterologie bei Kleintieren. Das Autorenteam von über 30 international renommierten Spezialisten aus Europa und den USA liefert den State of the Art dieser Fachdisziplin.
Kovach JA, Nearing BD, Verrier R: Anger-like behavioral state potentiates myocardial ischemia-induced T-wave ... Wright KN: Interventional catheterization for tachyarrhythmias, Vet Clin North Am: Small Anim Pract 34:1171, 2004.
Prior to publication of the first edition of Clinical Medicine of the Dog and Cat, no other comprehensive small animal veterinary medicine book existed with a comparable amount of relevant illustrated material.
Canine and Feline Gastroenterology
Rather than have the authors treating cats as small dogs, this cat-only text allows fully focused descriptions of conditions in this one species.
The centrality of nutrition in the state of health of pets has emerged only in the recent years, both to prolong their life expectancy and to prevent the onset of...