Supportive Oncology, by Drs. Davis, Feyer, Ortner, and Zimmermann, is your practical guide to improving your patients‘ quality of life and overall outcomes by integrating palliative care principles into the scope of clinical oncologic practice at all points along their illness trajectories. A multidisciplinary editorial team, representing the dual perspectives of palliative medicine and oncology, offers expert guidance on how to effectively communicate diagnoses and prognoses with cancer patients and their families, set treatment goals, and manage symptoms through pharmacological therapies, as well as non-pharmacological therapies and counselling when appropriate. Integrate complementary palliative principles as early as possible after diagnosis with guidance from a multidisciplinary editorial team whose different perspectives and collaboration provide a well-balanced approach. Effectively communicate diagnoses and prognoses with cancer patients and their families, set treatment goals, and manage symptoms through pharmacological therapies, as well as non-pharmacological therapies and counseling when appropriate. Improve patients’ quality of life with the latest information on pain and symptom management including managing side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, rehabilitating and counselling long-term survivors, and managing tumor-related symptoms and other complications in the palliative care setting. Prescribe the most effective medications, manage toxicities, and deal with high symptom burdens.
The focus of the book is on supportive care and survivorship of cancer patients...The book covers symptomatology, medication and treatment, and system function of patients undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy.
Fabian CJ,Molina R, SlavikM,DahlbergS, Giri S,Stephens R.Pyridoxine therapy for palmarplantar erythrodysesthesia continuous 5 fluorouracil associated with infusion. InvestNew Drugs. 1990;8(1):5763. 26. Lorusso D,Di Stefano A,CaroneV ...
Unlike other resources, this book covers all dimensions of palliative care but with a special emphasis on primary palliative care.
Cunningham. BACKGROUND. AND. SIGNIFICANCE. With continued advances in strategies to detect cancer early and treat it effectively along with the aging of the population, the number of individuals living years beyond a cancer diagnosis ...
Unlike other textbooks on this subject, which are more focused on end of life, the 4th edition of Principles and Practice of Palliative Care and Supportive Oncology focuses on supportive oncology.
Lynch TJ Jr, Kalish L, Mentzer SJ, et al. Optimal therapy of malignant pleural effusions:report of a randomized trialof bleomycin, tetracycline and talc andametaanalysis. IntJ Oncol1996;8:183–190. 71. Spector M,Pollak JS.
Sorensen S, Helweg-Larsen S, Mouridsen H, Hansen HH. Effect of high-dose dexamethasone in carcinomatous metastatic spinal cord compression treated with radiotherapy: a randomized trial. Eur J Cancer 1994;1:22À7. Ripamonti CI, Santini D, ...
Textbook of Palliative Medicine provides an alternative, truly international approach to this rapidly growing specialty.
Published in association with ESMO, this timely handbook is a concise and practical reference for all oncologists who are responsible for the care of patients with advanced cancer.
Text on the elements of palliative care that are most applicable to the care of cancer patients.