This text offers a concise, affordable and reader-friendly introduction to the criminal justice system. It explores the system in four sections: the criminal justice system as social control, law enforcement as social control, the law as social control, and corrections as social control. Designed with the student in mind, each chapter includes: "What You Need to Know," highlighting key points for the reader; brief chapter outlines; review questions; vocabulary lists; and exercises to help students customize the material for different jurisdictions. Each chapter has an outline, "what you need to know," photos, charts, jurisdictional exercises, web site links, and vocabulary words with definitions. Chapter one introduces students to "how to write a research paper."
This book features unique graphics and contemporary data and research, developed by Joycelyn Pollock, criminologist, and University Distinguished Professor of Criminal Justice, Texas State University.
Criminal Justice in America: The Politics Behind the System provides an introduction to the American system of criminal justice, with politics as its underlying theme. The basic premise is that...
This interesting and readable book covers a broad range of perspectives on various topics and issues critical to the American criminal justice system. It contains readings from...
In Criminal Justice in America, Pound recognizes the dangers law faces when it does not keep pace with societal change.
Crime and Justice in America: A Human Perspective
The contributors to this volume, the leading scholars in their fields, bring unsurpassed breadth and depth of knowledge to bear in answering these questions.
This is a world where justice is delivered, where heroes save ordinary citizens from certain doom, where evil is easily identified and thwarted by powers far greater than mere mortals could possess.
Mil‐lions of viewers watched as Casey Anthony of Orlando, Florida, was acquitted of murder charges in the death of her 3‐year‐old daughter. We were fascinated by the arrest of Anthony Sowell, a serial killer who kept the bodies of 11 ...
See William W. Freehling, The Road to Disunion: Secessionists Triumphant, 1854–1861, at331–33 (New York: Oxford University Press, 2007). On the staffing ofslave patrols, see Sally E. Hadden, Slave Patrols: Law and Violence in Virginia ...
A discussion of suicide, including the causes of suicidal behavior, the recognition of and response to its symptoms, and methods of prevention.