Numerous incidents around the world have highlighted the vulnerability of commercial vehicles to terrorist acts. Commercial vehicles include over 1 million highly diverse truck and intercity bus firms. The Transportation Security Admin. (TSA) has primary fed. responsibility for ensuring the security of the commercial vehicle sector, while vehicle operators are responsible for implementing security measures for their firms. This report examines: (1) the extent to which TSA has assessed security risks for commercial vehicles; (2) actions taken by key stakeholders to mitigate identified risks; and (3) TSA efforts to coordinate its security strategy with other fed., state, and private sector stakeholders. Includes recommend. Charts and tables.
Vital records, 40 Volpe Center, 84 Vulnerability Assessment Program, 298 Vulnerability evaluation, 12–13 W ... 219, 224 security awareness training, 202 Well cars, 213, 231, 255 Wildland interface fires, 47, 324 Witt, James Lee, 64, ...
The GCP is gaining increasing interest from stakeholders (e.g., Joint Chiefs of Staff, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Harris, EMC, Pearson Learning Solutions, etc.). It collectively links the public–private–nonprofit organizations together ...
Public Transportation Security
Transportation Security Administration more clarity on the authority of Federal Security Directors is needed: report to the Ranking Democratic Member,...
As the rate of globalization and world trade increases, security and supply chain resilience are at the core of one‘s global transportation network. This is a timely and well written contribution to the industry.
The report is Volume 8 in each series. The report is designed to assist transportation agencies in evaluating and modifying existing operations plans, policies, and procedures, as called for in the National Incident Management System.
Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) Management of Its Screening Workforce Training Program Can be Improved
The book coversall major transportation modes and puts the American security system into perspective against other national and international systems.
After the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, Congress passed and the President signed the Aviation and Transportation Security Act into law, with the primary goal of strengthening the security of the nation's civil aviation system.
Transportation Security Administration’s Processes for Designating and Releasing Sensitive Security Information