Because the nation's critical infrastructure relies on info. tech. systems and data, the security of those assets is critical to ensuring national security and public safety. In 2003, the Pres. directed federal agencies to: (1) develop plans for the protection of their computer-related critical infrastructure assets; and (2) submit them for approval to the Office of Mgmt. and Budget (OMB) by 7/31/04. To do this, OMB issued guidance with 19 criteria deemed essential for effective cyber critical infrastructure protection planning that must be included in the plans. This report determined: (1) the extent to which agencies developed their plans and whether they submitted them to OMB by the deadline; and (2) whether the plans met criteria in OMB's guidance. Illus.
The array of physical assets, functions, and systems across which these goods and services move are called critical infrastructures (CI) (e.g., electricity, the power plants that generate it, and the electric grid upon which it is ...
In addition, we can estimate the consequence of failure. Risk is the product of these two properties of the threat–asset pair. In this example, the probability of puncturing the tire with a sharp object in the road is converted to a ...
This book contains a selection of 27 edited papers from the First Annual IFIP WG 11.10 International Conference on Critical Infrastructure Protection.
Critical infrastructure protection improving information sharing with infrastructure sectors: report to congressional requesters.
Since the first edition of this book was published in 2009, significant changes have occurred in the security landscape, both domestically and internationally.
Critical infrastructure protection establishing effective information sharing with infrastructure sectors /
Critical infrastructure protection federal efforts require a more coordinated and comprehensive approach for protecting information systems.
"In summary, all of us need to recognize that the cyber revolution brings us into a new age as surely as the industrial revolution did two centuries ago. Now, as...
This book is the second volume in the annual series produced by the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Working Group 11.10 on Critical Infrastructure Protection, an international community of scientists, engineers, ...
The book will take a comprehensive look at the issues surrounding risk assessment and the challenges facing decision makers who must make risk assessment choices.