Contents: Intro.; The Changing Mgmt. Context; Previous Studies on Effects of Disturbance on Wood Quality; After the Fire: Changes in Dead and Dying Conifers; Predicting Conifer Mortality Following Fires; Types of Changes in the Wood of Dead Conifers; Insect Damage to Conifers; Stain and Decay Fungi Damage to Conifers; Factors Influencing the Rate of Deterioration; Species-Specific Changes in Wood Quality of Dead and Dying Conifers; Douglas-Fir; Englemann Spruce and White Spruce; Grand Fir and White Fir; Lodgepole Pine; Ponderosa, Sugar, Western White, and Jeffrey Pine; Subalpine Fir; Western Hemlock; Western Larch; Wood Quality Changes and Econ. Values; Visual Classification Systems; Volume and Value Loss. Conclusions.
Lowell, E.C. et al., 2010: Effects of Fire, Insect, and Pathogen Damage on Wood Quality of Dead and Dying Western Conifers. USDA General Technical Report PNW-GTR-816, Washington, 80p. Pischedda, D. (2004). Technical Guide on Harvesting ...
Bark beetles and pathogens are recognized as two of the most important components of conifer forest ecosystems, and their interactions have major consequences for timber production and ecological processes. Because...
This open access book describes the serious threat of invasive species to native ecosystems. Invasive species have caused and will continue to cause enormous ecological and economic damage with ever increasing world trade.
This text is ideal for entomology and forestry courses, and is aimed at scientists, faculty members, forest managers, practitioners of biological control of insect pests, mycologists interested in bark beetle-fungal associations, and ...
This book provides an up-to-date overview of the various wood and tree fungi that damage trees, lumber, and timber.
Descriptions of tree diseases, divided into those for leaves and needles, stems and branches, roots, and cones, and caused by animals and insects. For each disease, information is given on...
This volume is an effort to compile the experiences of leaders of the research communities within the Mediterranean climate zones around the world.
Conifers are abundant in the boreal and temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere, but are also important components of many tropical and subtropical forest ecosystems. Many conifer species provide a...
Silvics of North America
In this, her first book, now available in paperback, Simard brings us into her world, the intimate world of the trees, in which she brilliantly illuminates the fascinating and vital truths--that trees are not simply the source of timber or ...