Analyzes the main issues in any debate on U.S. participation in WTO and addresses some of the criticisms leveled at the org. The U.S. benefits from broad reductions in trade barriers worldwide, but some workers and industries might not share in those gains. Some argue that smaller countries are left out of decision-making and that gov¿ts. represent the interests of large corp. disproportionately. Contents of this report: Background on the GATT/WTO System; Stakeholders in the WTO Debate; Econ. Costs and Benefits of the WTO; Decisionmaking in the WTO and Nat. Sovereignty Issues; WTO Dispute Process; Criticisms of the WTO from Environ., Food Safety, Labor, Develop., and Fin¿l. Reg¿n. Perspectives; If U.S. Withdraws from the WTO. Illus.