The Affordable Care Act, landmark health legislation passed in 2010, called for the development of the National Prevention Strategy to realize the benefits of prevention for all Americans¿ health. This Strategy builds on the law¿s efforts to lower health care costs, improve the quality of care, and provide coverage options for the uninsured. Contents: Nat. Leadership; Partners in Prevention; Healthy and Safe Community Environ.; Clinical and Community Preventive Services; Elimination of Health Disparities; Priorities: Tobacco Free Living; Preventing Drug Abuse and Excessive Alcohol Use; Healthy Eating; Active Living; Injury and Violence Free Living; Reproductive and Sexual Health; Mental and Emotional Well-being. Illus. A print on demand report.
Step It Up! The Surgeon General's Call to Action to Promote Walking and Walkable Communities aims to get Americans walking and wheelchair rolling for the physical activity needed to help prevent and reduce their risk of chronic diseases and ...
Carole Lium Edelman, Elizabeth C Kudzma, Dnsc MPH Rnc ... Burnett, C., Crowder, J., Bacchus, L. J., Schminkey, D., Bullock, L., Sharps, P., & Campbell, J. (2019). ... Guthrie, M., Zubatsky, M., & Smith, C. W. (2017).
The new Third Edition of Population Health reflects this focus and evolution in today's dynamic healthcare landscape by conveying the key concepts of population health management and examining strategies for creating a culture of health and ...
There is a leadership challenge in that environmental health needs to play a key role in the public health agency and in the public health system by showing other leaders how public health and environmental health need to be integrated.
Primary Care and Public Health identifies the best examples of effective public health and primary care integration and the factors that promote and sustain these efforts, examines ways by which HRSA and CDC can use provisions of the ...
Retrieved from Chey, WD, and Wong, BCY. American College of Gastroenterology ... Retrieved from www.guideline.gove/summary/ summary.aspx?doc_id=9306&nbr=004976&string=p Ruttecki, GW.
Additionally, the text stresses documentation challenges that relate to usability issues with EHRs and sub-par adoption and implementation.
Selanders, L . C ., & Crane, ... Skemp, L . E ., Dreher, M . C ., & Lehmann, S . P . (2016) . Healthy places, healthy people (3rd ed .) . ... Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall . Watson, J . (2008) .
... and coordination on national prevention activities throughout the federal government to improve public health and lower ... and Human Services, 'National Prevention Strategy: America's Plan for Better Health and Wellness' (2011) 26.
With fresh historical and methodological analyses conducted by an impressive group of distinguished authors, this text is an essential resource for practitioners, health advocates, and students.