Nathan Hale is hanged by the British in New York. Hale, a captain in the Continental army, had been caught out of uniform and is executed as a spy. His last words are alleged to be: “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my ...
On June 3, 1513, ships commanded by Juan Ponce de Leon were attacked by a group of Calusa Indians in one of the first hostile encounters recorded between Europeans and...
Having arrived four days previously at Tampa Bay from New Orleans with a relief force, Major General Gaines strikes inland with 1,000 men and a 6-pounder to reinforce Clinch in central Florida. After departing Fort King on 26 February, ...
Chart the history of Star Wars in this stunning guide, from the time before the High Republic to the First Order.
Richard Overy plumbs over 3,000 years of history, from the Fall of Troy in 1200 BC to the Fall of Baghdad in 2003, to locate the 100 battles that he believes the most momentous.
Procopius: History of the wars, Books III and IV (Vandalic War)
Everywhere now, history is increasingly being held hostage, but to what end and why? In History Wars, eight prominent historians consider the angry swirl of emotions that now surrounds public memory.
"A Splendid Little War" recounts the chronology of events leading up to and during the fighting of the Spanish-American War. Perhaps no war in our history has been more popular at home or among those who fought it.
Gates. of. the. Capital. With peace still out of reach, Scott had just one prize left in his sights. The capital was only a few miles away. In early September, US troops launched the Battle of Mexico City. Before they could reach the ...
This book brings a fresh perspective to three wars the United States fought in Asia between 1941 and 1975 - the Pacific War, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War...
Værket er opdelt i 7 afsnit omhandlende den militære geografi under de store krige i perioden 1494-1559 samt strategi og taktik. Afsnit to omhandler de store slag under de Italienske...