From 1577-1580, Drake led the second expedition to sail around the world. During his voyage he made several important discoveries: finding the tip of South America, disproving the theory of the Northwest Passage, and charting the North American Pacific co
In this title, readers will explore sea routes around the world with Sir Francis Drake.
Surveys the life and voyages of Sir Francis Drake and the expansion of the English naval fleet in the sixteenth century.
Stories tell about Sir Francis Drake and his famous voyage, but fewer tell about the real reason behind the trip: attacking and looting Spanish towns and ships!
Drake was namedforLord JohnRussell's son,Francis, who was his godfather. The head ofthe family atthe timeofDrake's birth was John Drake, his grandfather. Edmund, father ofFrancis Drake, was thesecondof at least three sons living and ...
Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Sir Francis Drake Commission Norman Joseph William Thrower ... Angesting CA Doming Arapie IVCA EN : Cara TANK OCCIDENS | 290 240 260 o 1290 RIB 340 Parasti માયતી E QVI NOVA OY an NEA MAR ...
In this engrossing book, readers will become completely captivated by the secrecy and intrigue associated with Drake’s agreements with England’s Queen Elizabeth.
Highlights the life of the famous English explorer.
Here are stories lyrical and savage; poems epic and intimate; essays satirical and inspirational; and ideas that have shaped the lives of millions. Richard Hakluyt (c 1552-1616).
In 1585, the English launched a pre-emptive strike against Spain, by attacking her New World colonies.
In 1577, five tiny ships with 164 men set sail from Plymouth. At that time, Francis Drake had no idea that he was embarking on the greatest personal maritime adventure...