From ancient times to the present day, scientifically inclined women in many cultures have had to battle against the traditional belief that men are more cognitively adept than women. At times throughout history, women were persecuted for their attempts to break down traditional gender barriers. Today, women scientists and mathematicians must continue to defend the quality of their work and demand the respect they deserve in the mathematical and scientific communities.A to Z of Women in Science and Math, Revised Edition profiles 195 women who fought against these stereotypes throughout history and all over the world to forge new discoveries and theories that would eventually change the way we view science. This thoroughly revised book updates the story of each individual to the present day and features 38 new profiles. Among the profiles included are those of chemists, astronomers, geologists, environmental scientists, and a range of other professions and careers. In addition, new photographs have been added, and the bibliography has been updated. Subject indexes allow the reader to search by such professions as microbiology and paleontology.Additional subject indexes organize individuals by country of birth, country of major scientific activity, and year of birth.
A to Z of Women in Science and Math, Third Edition profiles women who fought against stereotypes throughout history and all over the world to forge new discoveries and theories that would eventually change the way we view science.
Presents information from the lives of women scientists, ranging from doctors to researchers to mathematicians.
She was elected to the British Beekeepers' Association Research Committee, out of which the Bee Research Association was founded, with Crane as its first director. The Cranes' home at Chalfont St. Peter in Buckinghamshire was the ...
Designing invisible (and safer) cars. Unlocking climate-change secrets. All of this groundbreaking science, and much more, is happening right now, spearheaded by the diverse female scientists and engineers profiled in this book.
Barnes, William Harry 11 Barnes, Robert Percy (1898–1990) organic chemist In 1933, Robert Percy Barnes became the first black student to receive a Ph.D. in chemistry from Harvard University. He also served on the National Science ...
April 24, 1991. Johnson, Robert C. 1990. Black female participation in quantitative domains. In Proceedings of the National Conference on Women in Mathematics and the Sciences. Sandra Z. Keith and Philip Keith, eds. St. Cloud, Minn.
Summarizes the discussions, ideas, and recommendations of the Women and Science conference held by the 7 directorates of the National Science Foundation in Wash., DC on Dec. 13-15, 1995, with 700 women and men attending.
41 Women in Mathematics: The Addition of Difference (1997), Claudia Henrion. ... 44 The Bride of Science: Romance, Reason and Byron's Daughter (1999), Benjamin Woolley. ... 45 A to Z of Women in Science and Math (2007), Lisa Yount.
This report aims to 'crack the code' by deciphering the factors that hinder and facilitate girls' and women's participation, achievement and continuation in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education and, in ...
KITTRELL, FLEMMIE PANSY 403 Kistiakowsky, Vera E. (1928– ) American Physicist An activist for women's participation in the sciences, Vera Kistiakowsky has also worked as a research physicist, teacher, and arms control activist.