From the rippling aftereffects of the Vietnam War to the civil unrest between the Arabs and the Israelis in the Middle East, this volume explores a period of great uncertainty for the United States and the world. It includes critical documents, as well as capsule biographies of key figures, a bibliography, an index, and more.
In this exceptional cultural history, Atlantic Senior Editor Ronald Brownstein—“one of America's best political journalists (The Economist)—tells the kaleidoscopic story of one monumental year that marked the city of Los Angeles’ ...
During the era that Jonathan Livingston Seagull was soaring high on self-help platitudes, the Village People were bringing a campy sensibility to the discos, and "Ms." was replacing older forms...
In Global Inequality and American Foreign Policy in the 1970s, Michael Franczak demonstrates how Third World solidarity around the New International Economic Order (NIEO) forced US presidents from Richard Nixon to Ronald Reagan to ...
In The Interpretation of Cultures, which has a striking and essentially appreciative essay on Levi-Strauss, Geertz nonetheless clearly distinguished his poststructuralist theory from the Frenchman's structuralism. Levi-Strauss, Geertz ...
Barbara Zanchetta analyzes the evolution of American-Soviet relations during the 1970s, from the rise of détente during the Nixon administration to the policy's crisis and fall during the final years of the Carter presidency.
Featuring a special section devoted to the Bicentennial Year of 1976, with LIFE's unmatched photography and a sweet, often hilarious narrative, this is a keepsake for anyone who wants to remember the '70s or experience them for the first ...
Most would agree that American culture changed dramatically from the 1960s to the 1980s. Yet the 1970s, the decade "in between," is still somehow thought of as a cultural wasteland....
In this book, Daniel Milford-Cottam uses colourful photographs to illustrate an eye-opening introduction to the bold fashions that still have such resonance today.
Essays describing how Americans' increasing loss of confidence in government during the 1970s led to fundamental changes in public policy.
Cowie captures nothing less than the defining characteristics of a new era. Stayin' Alive is a book that will forever define a misunderstood decade.