Sporting fins, scales, and sometimes horns or fur, a riot of unidentifiable water creatures have poked their dripping heads above the waves throughout recorded history to shock grizzled sailors and hardy fisherfolk alike. But survivors of water monster encounters are usually left as puzzled as they are terrified, questioning the origins and elusiveness of the creatures. Most people can describe what a typical sea monster looks like, yet no museum boasts a skeleton or even an irrefutable photograph-of a sea serpent or the legendary Loch Ness Monster. Lake and Sea Monsters thoroughly explores humanity's fascination with Nessie, sea serpents, and all the other wet wonders of the world, separating fact from fiction by examining ancient legends and myths, contemporary eyewitness stories, and the latest scientific discoveries. Chapters include: Swimming Through Time: Birth of the Sea MonsterMerfolk and Other Scaly HumanoidsKraken, Giant Squids, and Octopuses Nessie: Scotland's Sea Monster SuperstarMistake or Fake: Natural Creatures and Hoaxes
From the serpentine "Champie" of Lake Champlain to the venerable "Nessie" of Loch Ness, extraordinary-and un-explained-creatures of the deep have been reported in sightings throughout the twentieth century.
Lake Monster Mysteries is the first book to examine these widespread mysteries from a scientific perspective.
"The Great lakes have a long history of lake monsters and sea serpents.
Hydra and Kraken, Or, the Lore and Lure of Lake-Monsters and Sea-Serpents
Explores the myth, legend, scientific documentation, and fiction inspired by sea monsters.
With simple language and vivid photographs, Are Sea Monsters Real? is perfect for emerging readers curious about the natural world and these legendary creatures.
The early Native Americans warned of a deadly beast inhabiting the waters of Lake Pepin along the Mississippi River. For the past 150 years, the legend of the beast dubbed Pepie has grown to epic proportions.
Doubters of the stories of the Omak Lake Monster bring up the legendary Ogopogo, the Okanagan Lake Monster, British Columbia, Canada. They state the local Indians are attributing stories about Ogopogo of Okanagan Lake to Omak Lake.
Shares information on sea monsters, including the kraken, the Loch Ness monster, and the kappa.
Ed Butts has gathered stories and lake lore in this fascinating, frightening volume. For anyone living on the shores of the Great Lakes, these tales will inspire a new interest and respect for their storied past.