America in The 1920s

America in The 1920s
Nineteen twenties
Infobase Publishing
Michael J. O'Neal


Each decade in 20th-century America is known for having a unique history and a different personality. In the 1920s there were flappers and the Charleston, in the 1950s bobby-soxers and hula-hoops, in the 1970s hippies and disco, and in the 1990s Lilith Fair and the World Wide Web. Studying each decade one by one gives readers the chance to get a true feel for the character and events of the time. Decades of American History, an exciting new set, encourages young readers to do just that, exploring each decade of the 20th century in all its colorful history. In addition to coverage of each presidential administration, important events, and historical trends, each compelling book includes information on what was happening in the arts, sciences, popular culture, fashion, and music. Each inviting and user-friendly volume includes 100 or more photographs, box features, pull-out quotations and facts in the margin, a glossary, a further reading list, and an index. Designed to be accessible to young readers, these volumes offer a unique way of learning about the history of America.

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