Presents an alphabetical listing of information on the peoples of Asia and Oceania including origins, prehistory, history, culture, languages, and relationships to other cultures.
A completely revised and updated new Seventh Edition of the classic five-volume reference to all countries of the world, their dependencies, and the United Nations. Provides a 2 1/2 -million...
The Encyclopedia of Prehistory represents also defined bya somewhatdifferent set of an attempt to provide basic information sociocultural characteristics than are eth on all archaeologically known cultures, nological cultures.
This work examines the world's indigenous peoples, their cultures, the countries in which they reside, and the issues that impact these groups.
A collection of articles that provide information about 201 countries and dependencies, each divided into forty or more mini essays that examine geographic, demographic, economic, social, historical, and political issues;...
related to the West African Songhay word for the same grain, ille. Couscous is also made with barley or cornmeal. The most common and best-known couscous is actually a type of pasta made with durum or semolina flour.
132. Bankston, “Laotian Americans,” 3:54. Bankston, “Who Are the Laotian Americans?” 132. US Department of Justice, 1980 Statistical Yearbook of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, 34; Bankston, “Laotian Americans,” 3:54–55.
Hundreds of different languages are spoken across Asia, with each country and culture possessing a long history of practicing unique traditions and customs.
"These volumes will explain how Rwandans, Mayans, and Uzbeks live; and characteristics of Hmong Americans, Choctaws, Iroquois, and Ojibwas are described.
An introductory survey of art from countries in the Americas and Africa, in West, South, and East Asia, and in Oceania, featuring color reproductions of masterpieces, highlights of specific artists and movements, a discussion of tools and ...
Discusses the continents, countries, and peoples of the world.