Alphabetically listed entries identify and explain the characters, events, and important places of Norse mythology.
Hedendomen i historiens spegel: bilder av det förkristna Norden
The Heroes of Asgard: Tales from Scandinavian Mythology
The White Strand: an Homage to the Ancient Norse
Norse Mythology: The Myths and Legends of Nordic Gods
El barco de los muertos
A retelling of the Norse sagas about Odin, Freya, Thor, Loki and the other gods and goddesses who lived in Asgard before the dawn of history.
Norse Mythology: Tales of the Gods, Sagas and Heroes
A collection of Viking myths that tell the story of the Norse gods from creation to the story of how the world will end, including Odin's quest for wisdom, and the battles of Thor the thunder god.
Then he joined Baldr and Nanna in Niflheimr and was forgiven by them for his act. The troll Mimring forged several magic gifts for him to use while he was hiding out on Baldr's estate. They included a shield of darkness, a magic shirt ...