According to the National Center for Health Statistics, mental health disorders led to more than 40 million doctor visits and 2 million emergency room visits in 2002. This guide sorts through a maze of professional jargon to provide incisive definitions of theories, syndromes, symptoms, treatments, and contemporary issues.
This booklet is a practical guide to things that people can do to explore and express their spirituality, whatever that may be.
The Spiritual Life Guide: Biblically Based, Medically Sound Solutions to All of Life's Challenges and Passages--Physical, Emotional, Spiritual
The 2nd Australasian edition of Psychology and Life emphasises the science of psychology, with a special focus on applying that science to students' everyday lives.
... santé et la santé mentale dans l'échelle de valeur des individus et des communautés. Quand la population fera suffisamment cas de la santé, elle sera prête à participer aux efforts faits pour prévenir les maladies ou en améliorer le ...
Aside from suggested assessment factors included in the chapter , J. Campbell and J. Humphreys's book , Nursing Care of Victims of Family Violence , may assist students in conducting the interview ( see Supportive Materials ) . 8.
Primary Prevention of Mental Health Problems
Murphy, G.E. (1998). Why women are less likely than men to commit suicide. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 39(4), 165–175. Murphy, G.E. (2000). Psychiatric aspects ofsuicidal behavior: Substance abuse. In K. Hawton & K. Van Heeringen (Eds.), ...
Based on information from the collected works of the doctors at the Minirth Meier New Life Clinics, this encyclopedia explains all of the positive and negative aspects of emotional health...
Voices we have heard in the past, for example, our parents' voices, provide us with basic strategies, or 'rules for living', such as 'be open and friendly with others', 'it takes all sorts to make a world', or 'do as you would be done ...
Summary and Analysis of Public Submissions on Professor Michael Taggart's Discussion Paper: Report to the Ministry of Health on the...