People and the Sea

People and the Sea
Marine pollution
Infobase Publishing
Pam Walker, Elaine Wood


It is only natural for people to be fascinated by the sea. Life originated in the oceans, and more than one-half of the people on Earth reside within 50 miles of the sea. However, even though we have sent explorers to the moon and other regions of space, we still know little about the frontier that surrounds us. The engaging new Life in the Sea set provides young readers with current, accessible information about the sea and its creatures. This comprehensive resource on the ocean's inhabitants presents living things in their physical habitats, emphasizing the relationship between marine biology and marine ecology. Each volume focuses on one specific area of the marine world, discussing its physical characteristics, the living things found there, and the impact humans have on the area. The perfect companion to Facts On File's Life On Earth set (see facing page), this invaluable reference presents a well-rounded view of marine life.

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