Presents an encyclopedia of religion and politics in America including short biographies of important political and religious figures like Ralph Abernathy, civil rights leader, and Ralph Waldo Emerson, writer, and synopses of religious entities like the Branch Davidians and the Episcopal church as well as important court cases of relevancy like Epperson et al. v. Arkansas having to do with evolution.
1980s, Bob Jones Republicans joined with the state GOP establishment in repelling the advance of Pat Robertson's Christian Coalition and Robertson's own insurgent political campaign against then-Vice President George H. W. Bush.
Conversion and Subversion: Religion and the Management of Moral Panics in Singapore
The Elite-sponsored Moral Panic: A Singapore Perspective
... as a biblical 14 15 16 See e.g. Celestine Bohlen , “ Albanian parties trade charges in the pyramid scandal ” , and Edmund L. Andrews , “ Behind the scams : Desperate People , Easily Duped ” , New York Times , 29 January 1997 , p.3 .
The Transformation of John Foster Dulles: From Prophet of Realism to Priest of Nationalism
These values, such as the rule of law, democracy and human rights, are deeply grounded in a Christian understanding of what it is to be a human being in society.This is a new edition with a substantial new introduction of the book first ...
I Att tämja gudarna jämförs relationen mellan kyrka och stat i Europa respektive i USA samt hur det religiösa ledarskapet fungerar i Kina och Japan.
Built around a set of compelling narratives--George Washington's battle with Quaker pacifists; the fight of Mormons and Catholics for equality with Protestants; Teddy Roosevelt's concept of land versus the Lakota's concept; the creation ...
The book also explores the ways that religion has affected the orientation of partisan politics in the United States.