Cognitive Foundations of Calculated Speech: Controlling Understandings in Conversation and Persuasion

Cognitive Foundations of Calculated Speech: Controlling Understandings in Conversation and Persuasion
State University of New York Press
Robert Sanders


In Cognitive Foundations of Calculated Speech, Robert E. Sanders shows that whether one communicates to get a response or to make one, the cognitive problem is the same—to calculate whether intended speech and behavior will have a desirable effect on the progress of the unfolding discourse or dialogue. The book details the knowledge base and principles for making such calculations.

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    REFERENCES Erlbaum Associates, Inc. Berger, C.R. (1997). Planning strategic interaction: Attaining. Allen, T.H., & Honeycutt, J.M. (1996). An analysis of the effects of imagined interactions and planning on the use of object adaptors.