The Judgment Against Imperialism, Fascism and Racism Against Caliphate and Islam: Volume 1

The Judgment Against Imperialism, Fascism and Racism Against Caliphate and Islam: Volume 1
Khondakar Golam Mowla


This book is all about Caliphate and Islam which was destroyed in 1914 through first illegal invasion of Iraq and Caliphate was abolished on 29th October, 1923 by Ataturk, a secret Jew according to Joachim Prinz as he mentioned in his famous book, The Secret Jews (pg 122). Largest Muslims which more than total Arab Muslims live in Indonesia and Malaysia and part of Philippine where no Muslim or Arab invader invaded and the fact is Europeans and USA invaded this countries. Sufis from Iran and Arab world spread Islam in these countries. Muslims were in America before arrival of Europeans. October 21, 1492, Columbus admitted in his papers that while his ship was sailing near Gibara on the northeast coast of Cuba, he saw a Mosque on the top of a beautiful mountain. Ruins of Mosques and minarets with inscriptions of Qur'anic verses have been discovered in Cuba, Mexico, Texas, and Nevada. In 1492, Columbus had two captains of Muslim origin during his first voyage, one named Martin Alonso Pinzon the captain of the Pinta, and his brother Vicente Yanex Pinzon the captain of the Nina. They were wealthy expert ship outfitters who helped organize Columbus' expedition and repaired the flagship Santa Maria. The Pinzon family was related to Abuzayan Muhammad III, the Moroccan Sultan of the Marinid Dynasty (1196-1465).[i] There is European Union for Europeans and same Europeans or Anglo Saxons who illegally occupied 4 continents of North America, South America, Australia and Antarctica and still today they are illegally occupying those 4 continents and sending powerful Navy, Air Force, Arm Force to Bahrain, Dhahrain, Iraq, Afghanistan and Persian Gulf and many part of this world. But why Europeans or Anglo Saxons are afraid of Caliphate on the model of European Union or USA? Has ever Hitler invaded 4 continents except his own Europe? The answer is no. So all must see their own face in the mirror before blaming any race or religion or individual. It has become every day habit to blame Islam and Muslims where as no Arab or Muslim invader ever went to Indonesia or Malaysia where largest Muslim group live and Indonesia is the Largest Muslim country though so called Europeans Christians invaded both Indonesia and Malaysia. So why has it become every day habit to blame Caliphate, Muslims and Arab? Have you ever heard that Muslim version of FBI or MI5 ever questioned Europeans in India or Arab World when Muslims were sole power in earth for over a thousand years and when Muslim rulers allowed Europeans to be immigrants in land of Caliphate or India for that greatness those Europeans became spies and occupied Muslim land? So why FBI or MI5 dare to harass Muslims? Why there is such cowardly behavior and attitude of FBI, MI5 or CIA and MI6 and other Western agencies? The way present genocide is going in Iraq, Afghanistan and it already started in northern Pakistan besides the threat of genocide against Iran with same pretext of WMD in Iraq, we must be terrified. There was no limit of lies and deception in human history. There is no limit of genocide in human history too. During last European War over 70 million people, the majority of them civilians, were killed, making it the deadliest conflict in human history.[3] Muslims even did not kill 70 millions during last 1400 years.

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