The Sun the Moon and Stars Above

The Sun the Moon and Stars Above
Maine Bowens


This is not a book on just lecturing anybody, ____ it is just something that God said to write, and put together as he advised me to do. You will find some illustrations are not just our own experienced stories, but from others that willingly shared too, for the purpose of being able to point out viewpoints with good morals, or words to ponder on. Everyday, while I wrote, I had no clue where to begin, or where to actually stop. I learned it was best to flow along, by allowing God to show me suitable words to write, or when he reminded me of something that either happened year's prior, or something of recent that had been spoken to me by a family member or a friend. We can discuss the topic of "Traditionalism" later in class, when I will allow you to bring your own customs from ancestors to posterity by oral communication, while sharing with classmates your stories. We will also welcome your narrated tales by mail, to be used later on. Please send them to the Author, for sharing in the Cell Group. You should keep in mind, while reading the pages within this book, by trying to remember that, "Our self", is an individual person, and that each of us, have a unique part of the influence, which God hath created equally in us all. He hath given to you and I, the abilities to use our gifts and talents, to share love with someone else along the way. Come and experience with me today, as we give unto others, the joy of what the Lord hath yet in store for us to conquer.