The Origin of God: Little Book

The Origin of God: Little Book
Wesley Lloyd Cann


Have you ever wondered where the Universe came from? Did it come from a big bang billions of years ago or did an Intelligence far beyond our own create it? If the Universe was created then why was it created and what’s its purpose? What’s man’s purpose, where did we come from, did we evolve from primordial ooze, or were we created in the likeness of that same intelligence? Did this intelligence, this God, always exist? Where did he come from, how did he come into existence? Why would this God, this spirit, have the likeness of a man with arms, legs, and feet? Answers to these questions have eluded mankind since the dawn of time. Many theories have attempted to answer them but there are always flaws. Questions still remain. Questions such as, where did the matter and energy of this big bang come from, how could it just happen to be there? I believe that hidden deep in the pages of the Bible lay the answers to all of these questions, and for thousands of years no one has realized it nor been able to put it all together. However, after seven years of research I believe that this book can answer all of the above questions without leaving any loose ends. I believe that contained within the pages of this book lay the answers to all of mankind’s deepest questions. Answers to questions such as, where did God come from, why was the Universe created, what is mankind’s purpose, and the age-old question, which came first, the chicken or the egg? This little book can also tell you where we as a civilization are headed and what our ultimate fate will be, all from the Bible.

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