Oh By Jingo is a collection of tales of childhood adventure and drama in small-town Missouri in the 1930's. The stories center around an intense sibling rivalry between the author, David L. "Dave" McKinsey and John J. "Jerry " McKinsey which culminated in an immutable brotherly bond. Their cousin Mark Twain would have enjoyed these stories as much as you will!
Way by Charles Harris told of orphans who were seen as “ always in the way ” . In another song , Harris wrote For Sale — A Baby , based on a newspaper story of a mother who tried to sell her starving baby . Ida by Eddie Leonard ( words ) ...
Bob Westenberg Roscoe W. CHANDLER . ... John Caleb , David Chernault , Mark Frawley , Suzanne Ishee , Bobby Longbottom , Mark Monroe , Alison Morgan , Maureen Ribble , Mollie Smith , Cynthia Thole , Michael Watson Production Stage ...
... Hillbilly Heart Throb Did You Ever Hear A String Band Swing ( Marvin Montgomery ) -2,4 Tonight I Have A Date -1 Saddle Your Blues To A Wild Mustang ( Whiting- Bernier - Haid ) -1 Gloomy Sunday -1 Memories May 26 , 1936 ; Los Angeles ...
... Canto di Natale” in Canti di Natale, 2007 (trans. L. Lamberti, Turin: Einaudi); A Christamas Carol in prosa, ossia una storia di spettri sul Natale, 2009 (trans. E. De Luca, Vasto: Caravaggio); Il canto di Natale. Una storia natalizia di ...
James Lincoln Collier states in his “Jazz” entry in The New Grove Dictionary of Jazz (St. Martin's Press, 1988) that “Three O'Clock in the Morning” performed by Paul Whiteman ...
Just like you, Goldmine is passionate about vinyl. It rocks our world. So trust us when we say that the Goldmine Record Album Price Guide is a vinyl collector's best friend.
... Oh By Jingo," the ballad of a husband- exterminating young widow from "San Domingo" named Oh By Jingo and all her interjection-named suitors: So they all went away singing. Oh By Gee, By Gosh, By Gum, By Jove, By Jingo, Oh, By Gee, you ...
Dallas, TX DAL-661–1 Kansas City Blues Thursday, December 1, 1938 VO/OK 04959, Co 37734, 20311 Carroll Hubbard, f, unknown, f, Holly Horton, cl: Bill Staton, ac; Roy Newman, p: Walker Kirkes, thj; Julian Akins, lg, Earl Brown, g; ...
Many of the records documented in this volume are by the artists who introduced these songs at this time or who performed them in the original productions of the shows or movies for which they were written.
... Jingo ' as a euphemism for ' By Jesus ' . ' Oh , By Jingo ' was the title of a love song which first appeared in 1919 , but was featured in well - known films and shows in the 1940s and 1950s . It was also known as ' Oh By Jingo ! Oh By ...