I found God in the "stillness." This book is a testimony to the incredible healing power and the promises of the Twelve Step Recovery Program. As a recovering alcoholic I quickly worked through the Twelve Steps with a sponsor. Step "11" states that we must seek through prayer (asking God, ) and meditation (listening to God, ) to form "conscious contact" with the God of our understanding. I practiced this step faithfully. On May 15, 2005 to my utter amazement a dialog with God began whom I now lovingly refer to as "My Holy One." There is one major reason I do believe that I established this communication, I BELIEVED THAT GOD WOULD ANSWER ME IF I ASKED! Enclosed in this book are some of the questions I always wanted to ask God such as: Creation, Souls, Heaven, evolution, the physics of the Universe, Biblical accuracy, the devil, war, poverty, Mary and Jesus, and much more. I also discovered that God has needs. He needs us to listen to Him. This extraordinary contact is not for the "special" or for the "chosen ones." Anyone can do this if they truly desire it. It is our birthright. We All inherited this ability from God. God also wants us to know that He does not exist in a far away corner of the universe, He exits everywhere. He is even in the dirt that we walk upon. He assures us that We Are One. There is no separation between "Us." God lives and breathes with us. He experiences our life journeys by way of an exchange of information with our souls. As spiritual entities we were ALL born in One Holy Moment of Creation and when we leave this earth we will surely return to Our Divine Nature once again. If you are searching to fill a void in your heart when or if all other Gods have failed, if you are looking for a Higher Power who can be a mentor, a friend, and a Father, I humbly ask you to give this "One" a try. As I was taught in AA............. God is either EVERYTHING, or He is NOTHING.
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