The Apocalypse, Armageddon, Judgment Day, Doomsday, cataclysmic disasters on a Biblical scale...the End of Days as we know it. This book is your guide to navigating the revelation, and the Rosetta Stone for deciphering this once-every-25,800-year galactic alignment cycle set to commence on December 21, 2012. Open Your Eyes: To 2012 and Beyond will lay the foundation and build a framework around 2012 to help you ascertain the answers to the question that's synonymous with ambiguity: When will the world as we know it end? Open Your Eyes will literally do just that-open your eyes-and release you from your programmed mind in order to shed light and truth on controversial subjects bound together by fate, not coincidence. Part self-help, part current affairs, this book provides an investigation of a myriad correlating prophesies and events that synergistically corroborate one another. Each piece of the End of Days puzzle comes into view by the book's end to reveal a crystal clear picture of what is about to occur with our fragile world. This complete picture will manifest an epiphany within you. Many topics discussed here have remained undisclosed to the public, are sensitive and not publicly indoctrinated. Trained for war by the U.S. Marines Corps infantry and then turned pacifist, author Drew R. Maras raises the flag of awareness on the duality of man and the importance of peace. So, if you want some answers-or just a provocative, powerful ride-this book is just for you.
Aborde tous les thèmes qui s'imposent dès lors que se pose la question de l'avenir de la terre et de ses habitants.
這樣我們就可以形成一個兵力鏈,北起雅基河,南迄歐克薩卡。憑著預先備好的糧食、彈藥、及其他的補給,我們可以供養一個游擊部隊,把美國人打敗,使他們也不會知道他們的所作所為愚昧到什麼地步了。 0 作聲的目標。他心裏明白,時機已迫近的軍事人侵行動離這裏 ...
Artikelen over het veranderde machtspatroon na het faillissement van het communistische systeem, waarbij Japan de machtigste natie lijkt te worden
The Book of the Year is a hilarious guide to 2017's most extraordinary events, unearthed by the creators of the award-winning hit comedy podcast No Such Thing As A Fish.
Tim Dunlop spells out his ideas for reclaiming common ground systematically, arguing the case for more public ownership of essential assets, more public space, a transparent media system, and an education that prepares us for the future, ...
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Outsiders may visit the Bin for short stretches of time. But once they decide to stay. . .its forever. Nemo is an outsider. This is his coming-of-age story.
The Travelling Soul