Techniques, Examples, and Methods Wm Jack Hranicky. Recording Clovis Points Techniques, Examples, and Methodologies Based on: the McCary Fluted Point Survey of Virginia by Wm Jack Hranicky rpa CENTIMETERS ']"{ 1— H-2- INCHES | j— —. 1 .
The text starts with the basics of Clovis-point origins, identification, lithic analyses, curation practices, and other aspects of recording paleopoints.This publication is based on the author's experiences with the McCary Fluted Point ...
There's no available information at this time. Author will provide once information is available.
This book contains numerous methods and techniques for recording America's oldest projectile point.
This is strictly a buyer beware approach to collection Indian artifacts. Because of fakes on the market, this medium destroys local collection integrity. Wm Jack Hranicky RPA Thomas Jefferson - America's first amateur archaeologist.
Frison , George C. , and Bruce A. Bradley 1980 Folsom Tools and Technology at the Hanson Site , Wyorning . University of New Mexico Press . 1981 Fluting Folsom Projectile Points : Archaeological Evidence . Lithic Technology 10 : 13–16 .
The book has over 1000 Clovis points. It describes methods of collecting points data, which in various tables, text, and photographs. The book is a basic publication for Paleoindian studies.
The American Southwest is the focus for this volume in Noel Justice's series of reference works that survey, describe, and categorize the projectile point and cutting tools used in prehistory by Native American peoples.
By Wm Jack Hranicky RPA This archaeological publication covers the development, definition classification, and world-wide deployment of the lithic bipoint and includes numerous bipoint photographs, drawings, and maps.
... Tom Fleenor, Ben Collins, Louis Brennan (deceased), Robert Garland, Paul Suanders, James Wooten, Hugh Hawthorne, David Anderson, Glenn Richardson, Al Goodyear, Horace (deceased) and Stella Hood, George Helmintoller, Joel Sanderfond, ...
It concludes that a Solutrean occupation did occur on the U.S. Atlantic coastal plain. The bipoint is the most misclassified artifact in American archaeology. The book is indexed and has extensive references.