Desert Mash: A Religious War Dipped in Oil

Desert Mash: A Religious War Dipped in Oil
Clifford D. Cope


This is a historical fiction satire story written based on my feelings and views gathered in the workplace of both the civilian and military environment. It may even present itself as anti-war to some. However it is just a conglomeration of my thoughts after spending much time within the military and always wanting to make it a lifelong job and adventure. I had spent many years working in the field of performance and productivity with the both the military and civilian workplace. I attended many schools and classes outside of my college classes which focused somewhat on anti-micromanagement. While taught and preached, micro-management is one aptitude I failed to see disappear while I worked in the military or civilian positions as a soldier and as a leader from the end of Vietnam era to today. I wrote this satire setting in the military realm with influence form one of my most favorite television shows and movie, which was M*A*S*H* 4077. I recall one time while working as a field consultant for the military productivity division coming into the classroom we were to teach a class on leadership at. The lead instructor had written on the board PERCEPTION IS REALITY. I was a newcomer to the division and only a lieutenant at the time but opened my mouth as I read the board out loud. "Wow whoever wrote that did not know apples from oranges. I did not realize the department staff was sitting in the adjoining room having coffee and reviewing for the class. As I entered the room all eyes were upon me and I was asked if I had a problem with today's lesson. Knowing I was in the dog house, I said no. I was then asked by the lead instructor to define the topic written on the board. I said. "Well I think Reality can be deceived by one's perception based upon the angle their senses absorbs the event." I added that it was a great topic and that we should teach this great relationship between the brain and the outside world. "We could add to the comment that all apples are fruits but not all fruits are apples." Was my final comment for the day as I sat down for meeting too begin. I soon learned that I would not be teaching that day. One of my most favorite songs Don't Rock my Boat, by: Bob Marley began playing in my head and still is today. So, this book as, well as some of my others will most likely rock someone's boat. As an anthropologist by degree I did want to participate in a war as my father and other family members. This is a human characteristic that will be with mankind for many years. I do see it as a profit in the area of capital gain for some as well as a gain of dominance for a few others. I also have learned from studies as well as experience that some wars are a waste of human life along with destruction of social and material products of nature and humans. I probably have watched all of the good old TV series and movie M.A.S.H. and sometimes caught myself saying, "Ah hell there is no way that could really happen." Well I have learned; yes it can and unfortunately will continue as abusive power exists.

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